Anguloa hohenlohii |
All of the Tulip Orchids are lovely, but the russet colored
Anguloa hohenlohii is especially beautiful. The inside of the flower is gold overlaid with red spots.
Anguloa clowesii |
If you can tear your eyes away from the flowers you will see the new shoot visible behind the flowers. Those new shoots are practically begging for food. Tulip Orchids can become
very large in bright light, coolish temperatures and with regular fertilizing during active growth. Some of the largest that I have seen were grown by Marc Hachadourian at the New York Botanical Garden-- beautiful plants with enormous pseudobulbs and leaves nearly two feet tall.
Many anguloas produce new shoots and flowers simultaneously, a trait that can exasperate a grower. (Shoots produced after flowering is a more common sequence in orchids.) By the time our plants have finished flowering and returned to the back up greenhouse the young shoots are nearly mature. I have to rush like crazy in order to repot them all before they finish their annual growth cycle. And I already have
plenty to repot!
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